It also makes sense to request additional photos showing areas of concern, for instance corners or the interior of the bag. This is why, when buying used designer pieces online, always ask the seller about the appearance of the bag, any flaws, internal or external to ascertain how much wear and tear the item has been exposed to. It is relative what one person considers as good and another one as a very good condition. To avoid potential disappointments when the bag finally arrives on your doorstep, don’t rely on the seller to tell you absolutely everything that is wrong with the item and, instead: While some honest sellers provide multiple photos with detailed close-ups and information pointing to specific issues, it this is not always the case and frequently it will be up to the buyer to discover the flaws. The advert will often provide details of the appearance of the bag, usually ranking it as very good, good or fair depending on its condition. Hence, for anyone thinking of buying their first vintage Chanel bag I have listed in the five things which may be worth bearing in mind before committing yourself to this somewhat extravagant purchase.Īssuming that we are dealing with a genuine seller of an authentic bag, one thing to pay close attention to is the description of a product. On the flip side, the first encounter with the pre-loved designer goods market has taught me a few valuable lessons about buying vintage online and this is exactly what I would like to share in this post. Eventually, I ended up with the bag of my dreams but the journey was, by no means, plain sailing. While the buying of a vintage Chanel bag seemed like a great idea at first, I soon realised that there were a lot of traps along the way which made the process not as straightforward as I originally anticipated. As my mind was firmly set on the navy classic and no alternative would do, I decided to explore other options and, somewhat reluctantly, directed my search at the online second-hand luxury market in hope of finding the coveted bag.

However, a few years ago I was desperately looking for a small Chanel flap bag in navy blue with a golden chain and at the time the colour was unavailable in boutiques. Have you ever considered buying a vintage Chanel bag? Well, it has not been high on the list of my shopping priorities as I always preferred fresh-out-of-the-box items.